- 你们这儿有不少川菜?You serve lots of Sichuan food,don't you ?
- 你们这儿有没有步行能到大学的公寓住房?Do you have an apartment available within walking distance of the university?
- 病人:请问你们这儿有止咳糖浆或者含片吗?Patient: Do you have any cough syrup and lozenges?
- 你们you
- 这儿有不少很好的麦地(或玉米地)。There is a lot of good corn land round here.
- 你们的yours
- 这儿here
- 他的建议有不少可取之处。His proposal has much to recommend it.
- 你们这儿有什么样的白兰地?What kind of brandy do you serve here?
- 中外拔河赛中,有不少很有趣的玩艺儿。There are many interesting things in the tug of war competitions in China and abroad.
- 有,这儿有不少呢。Yes, there are quite a few here.
- 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。I'd like to open a deposit account with you.
- 每当格伦和他的朋友来到时,总会有不少麻烦事。You can always expect trouble when Glen and his friends come on the scene.
- 这儿有香波卖吗?Do you have shampoo here?
- 这儿有一条肥皂。Here is a bar of soap.
- 这期《服务导报》有不少招聘信息。There are many job ads in this issue of the Service Guide.
- 这儿有啤酒吗?我想喝点。Do they serve beer? I could do with a drink.
- 有不少读者询问,到瑞士旅游需要做哪些准备?Many readers request information about what they should prepare for traveling to Switzerland?
- 你们这儿使用什么时间?What is the time you use here?
- 这儿有一些发霉的旧书。There are musty old books.