- 你去哪个方向?Which direction are you going in?
- 无论你去哪个国家,你都应遵守该国法律。No matter which country you travel to, you should observe the law of the land.
- 他太蠢了,如果我让他猜两次,他都不能猜对电梯要去哪个方向。He's so tupid; he couldn't tell which way an elevator was going if gave him two guesses.
- 哪个which
- 我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,你愿意去哪个?We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant.
- 谁将陪你去机场?Who will accompany you to the airport?
- 你去过凯旋门吗?Have you been to the Triumphal Arch?
- 你的房间面向哪个方向?Which direction does your room face?
- 我们要去哪个超市?Which supermarket shall we go to?
- 这么冷的天气不要等公共汽车了,我把车开来送你去办公室。Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather; I'll get the car and run you across to your office.
- 您要去哪个科室?Which department do you want to visit?
- 顺便问一句,你能否说出白线所代表的粒子朝哪个方向运动吗?Incidentally, can you tell which direction the particles, represented by the white lines, are traveling?
- 你去游泳馆游的泳?Did you go to swim in the indoor swimming pool?
- 好,想汇去哪个银行?A: Ok. To which bank?
- 你面朝哪个方向?Which direction are you facing?
- 你去吗?Will you go?
- 你们决定去哪个国家了吗?Have you decided which country to go to?
- 明天晚上谁送你去电影院?Who is going to take you to the cinema tomorrow night?
- 您打算去哪个国家旅游呢?Which country are you planning to visit?
- 顺便问一句,你能否说出白线所代表的粒子朝哪个方向运动吗?Incidentally, can you tell which direction the particles, represented by the white lines, are traveling?