- 你可以帮我修车吗?Can you fix up my car for me?
- 你可以帮我将机票转让至东方航空公司吗?Can you endorse my ticket to China East Lines?
- 我本不想麻烦你,请问你可以帮我把车启动一下吗?I hate to bother you, could you give my car a jumpstart?
- 我吃不准这个词我拼得是否正确,你可以帮我检查一下吗"How do you spell this word right? Can you check it for me , please ? "
- 对不起,先生。你可以帮我填个问卷吗?Excuse me, sir.Could you fill out a survey for me?
- 你可以帮我系好安全带么?Could you help us fasten safety belts?
- 哦,好的!你可以帮我缠毛线。Oh, good! You can help me wind some yarn.
- 你可以告诉我那辆汽车怎么撞上灯柱的吗?Will you mind tell me how the car struck the lamp post ?
- 你可以帮我预定机位吗?Can you help me make reservations?
- 你可以帮我去买东西。Yes, You can help me do the shopping.
- 你好,我很喜欢这首歌你可以送给我吗?I like this song too much, could you send it to me by my E-mail, thank?
- 可以帮我一个忙吗?You can do me a favor?
- 咳,你要加班的话,我可以帮你照看他。Y'know, if you're gonna work late, I could look in on him for you.
- 请问可以帮我找一名翻译吗?Would it be possible to speak to an interpreter?
- 篮子里几乎没有苹果,你可以给我买一些吗?There are few apples in the basket. Can you buy me some?
- 可以帮我拿一下这些钥匙吗?Would you kindly hold these keys, please?
- 抱歉。你可以告诉我捷运台北市政府站在哪里吗?Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Taipei City Hall MRT station is?
- 可以帮我存放行李到我要离开时吗?Could you store my baggage until my departure time?
- 可以帮我把这件裙子烫平吗?Will you iron out the wrinkles in this skirt?
- 我喜欢吃口味重的菜肴,你可以推荐些什么吗?A: I'd like a dish with a strong flavour. What would you suggest? A.