- 你喜欢你的婚姻生活吗?Are you enjoying married life?
- 你喜欢你的手表吗?How do you like your watch?
- 约翰史密斯,你愿意娶玛丽怀特为合法的妻子共同过婚姻生活吗?John Smith, do you take this woman, Mary White, to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony!
- 你喜欢你的室友吗?Do you like your roommate?
- 婚礼上牧师的证言:约翰使密斯,你愿意娶马丽怀特做你的合法妻子,共同过婚姻生活吗?John Smith, do you take this woman,Mary white,to be your lawful wedded wife,to live together in the estate of matrimony?
- 你喜欢你的白色的胶水。You like your white glue.
- 柳天青,你愿意将XXX作为合法的挚爱共同过婚姻生活吗?Tianqing Liu: do you take this person, _ XXX to be your lawful true love, to live together in the estate of matrimony!
- 你喜欢你的男朋友体格健壮还是头脑聪明?Do you like your boyfriend brawny or brainy?
- 祝你的婚姻生活幸福美满。May you have a very happy married life.
- 你喜欢你房间成怎么样?How do you like your room?
- 你不喜欢你的邻居,这绝不能成为你老是企图找他缺点的理由。That you do not like your neighbour is no reason why you should always be trying to pick a hole in his coat.
- 你喜欢学校生活吗?Do you like campus life?
- 你喜欢你的朋友是喜欢他这个人。You like your friends for the person they are.
- 它不是一个伟大的感觉,知道你终于走了第一步,过着健康的生活吗?Wasn't it a great feeling, knowing that you had finally taken that first step towards living a healthier life?
- 你喜欢你的白色胶水。You like your white glue.
- 你从来都没有对你在做的事产生动摇吗?没有想过,也许会有不同的生活吗?Do you ever have doubts about what you're doing? Do you ever think what a different life might have been like?
- 你喜欢你的牛排煮成怎么样?How do you like your steak ?
- 所以你不再喜欢你喜欢的人.So if you stop liking a person you used to like .
- 很遗憾,听说你的婚姻生活结束了,你还好吗?I am sorry to hear that your marriage goes to the end. Are you all right?
- 我很喜欢你的新毛衣。I adore your new sweater.