- 你喜欢大点号码的吗?Would you prefer a bigger size?
- 问题2:你喜欢大城市的生活吗?Question2: do you enjoy your metropolitan life very much?
- 好。哦,这里有许多不同的鱼菜。你喜欢吃辣的吗?OK. Well, there are lots of different fish dishes. Do you like hot and spicy food?
- 这个太小了,有大点的吗?This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one?
- 为二台的“你喜欢的协奏曲”节目所新开通的热线电话形式受到了广泛的批评。The new phone-in formula for Radio 2's request programme "Your Concerto choice" has been widely criticized.
- 你能给我找到一个大点的吗?Can you find me a larger one?
- 她知道你喜欢哪种房间,你不用提出要求,她就为你预订好了,她能预见你的需求。She knows the kind of room you like and reserves one without any request on your part. She anticipates your needs.
- 某位顾客可能会点普通杯的低咖啡因拿铁外加人工代糖;而另一位顾客,可能较喜欢大杯的卡布奇诺,加上粗糖、打了泡的鲜奶油和少许的肉桂粉。One customer may want a regular cup of decaffeinated latte with artificial sweetener, while another prefers a large cappuccino with raw sugar, whipped cream and a hint of cinnamon.
- "别过于担心台词,我只是想把第一幕的一部分给你示范一下。""Don't worry to much about lines. I just want to walk you through part of Act I."
- 收音机我听不太清楚,你把声音开大点行吗?I can not hear the radio very well ; could you turn it up a bit ?
- "哎呀!你看那苹果多大!""By Golly! Look at that big apple."
- "对不起," 我回答说,"我告诉你我是不轻易相信人的,你得拿出证据给我看。""Pardon me, " I replied, "when I tell you that I'm from Missouri. You'll have to show me."
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- "当然可以," 医生的声音说道,"哦,他没有发烧,脉搏很好。查利,现在你深呼吸一下。""Sure, " the doctor's voice says. "Well, he doesn't have a fever. And his pulse is fine. Now, breathe deeply, Charlie."
- 没事儿,没事儿,就把它当成一句恭维的话吧。说点别的吧(转换话题),你喜欢教书吗?Right, that's all right. We'll just chalk it up to a compliment and move on. (Change the subject) Did you just love teaching?
- 如果某一家保险公司的健康保险对每种服务定有赔偿限额,你应断定这些限额是否合乎实际。If the benefits provided under a certain policy have a dollar limitation for each service,you should determine whether these limitations are realistic.
- "刚才我看见你把一根吸了一半的香烟扔过了墙,是吗,彼得?" "我怎么了,先生?" 他答道,一副受冤枉的样子。"Did I see you throw a half-smoked cigarette over the wall just now, Peter?" "What me, Sir?" he replied, the very picture of injured innocence.
- 碰上老板情绪不好的时候,他会为了一点点小事把你大骂一通。If the boss is in one of this had moods,he'll jump on you for the slightest thing.
- 你能给我找到一个大点的吗?Can you find me a larger one?
- 乔治:不,我不大喜欢。但是,我很喜欢坐下来钓鱼。你喜欢去钓鱼吗?George: No, I don't particularly like swimming. However, I do like to sit and fish. Do you like to go fishing?