- 你在忙作业吗?Are you busy with the homework?
- 你在忙着编辑一本孩子们看的图画书吗?Are you busy editing a picture book for children?
- 你是独立完成的家庭作业吗?Did you do your homework all by yourself?
- 在拥挤的大街上,你在忙着追赶什么。在寂寞的角落,就像你知道的,你已失去了很多。In a crowded street, you are busy in the pursuit of what. In the lonely corner, as you know, has lost more.
- 格兰特:你好!苔丝。你好!詹娜。你们在做家庭作业吗?Grant: Hi, Tess. Hi, Jenna. Are you doing your homework?
- 这些天你在忙什么?What are you doing these days?
- 你在忙什么呢?What are you up to?
- 给我们留有作业吗?Have there been any as signment for us?
- 你在忙些什么?不怀好意。what have you been up to? up to no good.
- 我应当在今天交上作业吗?Ought I to hand in the homework today?
- "如果你在下巴上涂些肥皂泡沫,你就会觉得刮脸容易多了。""If you put some lather on your chin, you'll find it much easier to shave."
- 难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗?Haven't you finished your homework yet?
- 如果你在会上把心里的话都说出来,你会觉得舒畅得多。You'll feel a lot better if you shoot your wad at the meeting.
- 这些天你在忙什么?What are you doing these days?
- 滚动条内的滚动块指示出你在文件中的垂直和水平位置。The scroll boxes inside the scroll bar indicate your vertical and horizontal location in the document.
- 我可以提醒你做作业吗?Can I remind you to do your homework?
- 你在这里的引文对说明你的主要观点似乎没有什么作用。It seems that the quotations you have here do not help your major point.
- 我们都在忙着,你别在这儿游荡啦。Don't hang around here when we are busy.
- 你在这儿学习吗?Are you studying here?
- 你近来在忙些什么?What are you up to these days?