- 你在那儿坐了多久了?How long have you sat there?
- 因为在那儿坐了很久,我不得不按摩我那僵硬的腿部肌肉。Having been long sitting there, I have to knead the lame muscles of my legs.
- 别坐在那儿犹豫了,你答应过陪我出去吃饭的,快去换衣服,我们走吧。Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go.
- 你在那儿住了多久了?how long are you staying up here?
- 李昕:肖先生,你是位很有经验的非母语英语课程教师,请问你在中国待了多久了?。Lixin: Mr.Shaw,as an experienced ESL teacher,how long have you been in China?
- 我说的可没半句假话,我在那儿坐了一个半小时,而他们甚至没有记下我的名字。Without a word of a lie,I sat there for an hour and a half before they even came to take my name.
- 你在悉尼呆了多久了How long have you been here in sydney?
- 他呆头呆脑地在那儿坐了好几个小时。There he sat like a big stiff for hours.
- 一护:你是个坏人葛里姆桥,感谢你,到此看来我持续不了多久了Ichigo: Grimmjow you are a bad person. Thank you. From here it seems I can't really continue much longer so
- 他们在那儿坐了半晌。They sat there for a long while.
- 你在这里住了多久了?How long have you lived here?
- 我去巴黎度周末,在那儿碰巧遇见了我好几年没见面的兄弟。I went to Paris for the weekend and ran into my brother whom I haven't seen for years.
- 你在这儿住了多久了?how long have you lived here?
- 我想你在这儿坐了太久了,不是吗?贝尔:这份杂志的观点很难捉摸。You have been sitting here too long, I think, haven't you? Bill: The magazine's stand is very hard to locate.
- 请您在那儿坐一下好吗?Would you like to have a seat over there?
- 莎拉:辛西亚,你挂在网络上多久了?你看起来活像个僵尸!Sara: Cynthia, how many hours have you been online? You look like a zombie!
- 您们喜欢哪几张桌子,就在那儿坐好了。You can sit at whichever tables you like.
- 你在那儿忙什么呢?What are you hustling about there ?
- 现在,首先我想知道详细的病史。你病了多久了?Now, first of all, I would like to have a detailed history. How long have you felt sick?
- 你在那儿有朋友吗?And do you have friends there?