- 你干嘛那么小声?Why are you whispering?
- 戴夫:吉娜,你干嘛那么小声?Dave: Zina, why are you 1) whispering?
- 吉娜,你干嘛那么小声?B: Zina, why are you whispering?
- (大喊)你干嘛那么小声啊?A: (Loudly) Why are you whispering?
- 你干嘛那么波涛满面的?Why are you sidwtting there in tear ?
- 你干嘛那么激动。Why are you so excited.
- 干嘛why
- 你要是没那个胆量看这种事情,你干嘛不象我一样,躲得远远地呢?If you have not the nerve to see these things, why do you not do as I do, and stay away?
- 你干嘛挂我电话?Why did you hang up on me?
- 你老兄火气干嘛那么大?What are you getting so bent out of shape for?
- 你干嘛对我这样恶狠狠地说话?Why do you snap at me so?
- 你干嘛不叫辆计程车?Why don't you call a taxi?
- 那你干嘛不当作家呢?Why don't you want to be a writer, then?
- 干嘛我们一早就得唱公司歌?Why the heck do we have to sing the company song in the morning?
- 提到了,问这干嘛?Yeah. Why?
- 你干嘛不去干点工作而不再成天鬼混呢?Why don't you do some work instead of just frigging around all day?
- 你一个人坐在车里干嘛?What are you doing sitting in the car all by yourself?
- 你干嘛这么小家子气?What are you being such a weenie for?
- 你干嘛说话这么小声?Gabriella: Why are you whispering?
- 你干嘛这样急着要得到那份工作呢?Why are you so uptight about getting that job?