- 你得了多少分?How many points did you score?
- 上次测验你得了多少分?What was your grade for the last test?
- 兄弟阿,我为你的爱心,大有快乐,大得安慰。因众圣徒的心从你得了畅快。For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother.
- 我得了多少分?What's my score?
- 你穿的衣服这么单薄,难怪你得了感冒。You dress so thinly. That's why you have caught a cold.
- 她得了多少分?How about the score?
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 你得了流感后怎么样?How did the flu grab you?
- 你们队得了多少分?How many points has your team?
- 那孩子长大了,原来的衬衫已经穿不下了,你得给他买件新的。The kid has burst out of the shirt; you'll have to buy him a new one.
- 我看你得了重感冒。I shall think you have caught a bad cold.
- 你得了满分。You got the full mark.
- 我不懂他们的语言,你得当翻译了。I don't understand their language; you'll have to act as interpreter.
- 你的模拟考试得了多少分?What did you get in the mock?
- 我想你得了甲亢。I think you may have hyper thyroidism.
- 也许你得了流感。Perhaps you caught the flu.
- 鼠标拖动饰物到圣诞树上面,看看你在有限的时间内能得多少分。Drag the mouse to Christmas tree ornaments above, you look at the limited time within Decheshaoban.
- 恭喜你得了银奖!Congratulations on winning the silver medal!
- 你得快点跑,不然你就赶不上火车了。You have to scutter,otherwise you won't catch the train.
- 你签约那个队得了多少钱呀?How much did you sign up with that team for?