- 你怎么能做这种事呢?How on earth could you do such a thing?
- 你怎么能对我做这种事呢?你必须道歉。How can you do that to me? I demand an apology.
- 你怎么能对我做这种事呢?How can you do that to me?
- 你怎么能对我做这种事呢?How can you do that to me?
- 如果没有一个积极的观点,你怎么能做好这件事?How can you manage to do it if you don't have a positive outlook?
- 你怎么能甘受他的粗野暴行?How can you submit to his roughing?
- 谁会想到这种事呢?Whoever could have dreamed of such a thing?
- 她决不会做这种事。She cannot by any possibility do such a thing.
- 我不明白你怎么能把诗歌同音乐相提并论。I don't see how you can talk about poetry and music in the same breath.
- "你说乔治就要出国了?有这种事!" 玛丽有点惊奇地说。"You say George is going abroad? Do tell!" said Mary.
- 你怎么能遗妻弃子呢?How can you fling away your wife and children?
- 做这种事实在愚不可及。It is sheer madness to do it.
- 你怎么能这样呢?How could you?
- 人是会交易的动物;更无其他动物会做这种事——狗儿是不交换骨头的。Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this- no dog exchanges bone with another.
- 你怎么能吃得下那样的东西?How can you bear to eat that stuff?
- 你怎么对什么都不当回事呢?Why can't you ever take anything seriously?
- 做这种事是可耻的。That's a base thing to do.
- 你怎么能把她看得一文不值呢?How could you treat her like dirt?
- 你怎么能那么说?足球是世界上最令人兴奋的事情。How can you say that? Football is the most exciting thing in the world!
- 她很喜欢做这种事。She took pleasure in doing such things.