- 你想在家里工作吗?Do you want to work at home?
- 如果你想在刮八级大风时出去锻炼,我的建议是:待在家里。If you are thinking of going out to practice when is blowing a gale, my advice is: at stay at home.
- 如果你想在你的工作中取得成绩的话,你一定要有所改进。You'll have to mend your ways if you want to be successful in your job.
- "跟随我去看电影吧。" "不行,我必须留在家里工作。""Come to a film with me." "Nothing doing; I've got to stay home and work."
- 你想申请那份工作吗?Are you going to put in for that job?
- 我觉得你在家里工作的主意太好了。I think your idea of working at home is perfect.
- 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。I should advise you to play it cool if you wish to make any progress in the negotiation.
- 想在新加坡找工作吗?来对地方了!Wanna look for a job in Singapore? Here you go!
- 每天下午他在家里工作。Afternoons he works at home.
- 你想在你的有生之年就呆在这里吗?Do you want to stick on here for the rest of your life?
- 是的,她工作。她在家里工作。Yes, she does. She works at home.
- 你想在乡村生活吗?Would you like to live in the countryside?
- 今天我不出去了,我留在家里工作。I won't go out today; I'll stay in and work.
- 你想在茶里放几块糖?How many lumps of sugar would you like in your tea?
- "今晚你在家里吃饭吗?" 她母亲问道。"Are you eating in tonight?" asked her mother.
- 你想在游泳池里小游一会儿吗?Would you like to take a dip in the pool?
- “跟随我去看电影吧。”“不行,我必须留在家里工作。”"Come to a film with me.""Nothing doing; I've got to stay home and work."
- 如果你想在这种天气去航海,你将冒生命危险。You'll be risking your neck if you go sailing in this weather.
- 你想为杂志社工作吗?Do you like dealing with people?
- 我喜欢做一个在家里工作的自由职业者,同时为数人工作。I prefer to work at home as a freelance, doing jobs for several people at the same time.