- `你把剪刀放在哪儿了?'`我把它放(回)到抽屉里了。'`Where did you put the scissors?' `I put them (back) in the drawer.'
- 你把它放在哪儿?Whereabouts did you leave it?
- 你把它放在哪儿 ?Whereabouts did you leave it ?
- 你把它放在绕杆狭孔里,然后推动绕杆,你就可以进入月台了。You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.
- 能请你把它放在最上面吗?Would you please put it on top?
- 你把录音机放在哪儿了?我什么地方也找不到。Where did you put the recorder? I can't find it anywhere.
- 把它放在哪儿都行.Stick it down anywhere you like.
- 裁这真丝料以前,你把它放进面糊里浆一浆。You can stiffen up the silk cloth by dipping it in flour liquid before tailoring it.
- 如果您有衣物要送洗衣房,只要把它放在您房里的洗衣袋里就行了。If you have anything for the laundry,just leave it in the laundry bag in your room.
- 如果你把它放入水中,它将膨胀。If you put it into the water it will swell.
- 我记不得我把它放在哪儿了。I do not remember where I have put it .
- 别把行李放在通道里,否则空中小姐会要求你把它移走。Don't leave your luggage in the aisle or the stewardess will make you move it.
- 她不告诉我她把它放在哪儿了.She won' t tell me whereabouts she put it.
- 如果你把它放入水中,它就膨胀。If you put it into the water it will swell .
- 你注意到我把它放在哪儿了吗?Did you notice where I put it?
- 依农民的说法,这种方形西瓜形状是奇怪了些,但把它放在冰箱里储存起来确实容易多了。This square watermelon may look strange, but it will fit into your fridge a lot easier, farmers say.
- 要是你把那东西放在那里,可能就有人把它偷走了。If you had left it there someone might have stolen it.
- 萨沙拆开这件东西的纸包,郑重地把它放在他的桌子上。Sasha undid the object and put it solemnly on the table.
- 把它放回去,它不是你的,我不想你把它弄坏了。Put it back, that is not yours and I don't want you to break it.
- 先生,我该把它放在哪儿?Where should I put it to sir?