- 你有几个孩子和你交多少税没有关系。How many kids you have has no bearing on how much tax you pay.
- 你有几个孩子?How many children do you have?
- 他说:"当时班上有几个孩子一到祈祷时间就迫不及待的冲出去作祈祷."There were students in each class who were always the first to rush off to prayer.
- 你有几个球拍。How many racket do you have?
- 你有几个人?How many people do you have, please?
- 你的病人可以让你有几小时空闲的时间吗?Could your patients spare you for a few hours?
- 她的长子是医生,其余几个孩子都在部队服役。Her first-born is a doctor. Her other children are all in the army.
- 你有几双鞋?How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- 你有几群羊?How many groups of sheep do you have?
- 她有几个年纪很老行将就木的长辈,她那几个孩子自然是他们的继承人了。She had numerous relatives,who were very old and near to death,and of whom her sons were the natural heirs.
- 你有几张主?How many trump cards do you have?
- 你有几个兄弟?How many brothers do you have?
- 你有几本词典?How many dictionaries have you got?
- 有几个赛跑者在比赛中落在后面了。Several of the runners fell behind in the race.
- 你有几包香烟?How many packs of cigarettes do you have?
- 有几个孩子是白人,其他的是黑人。Some of the children were white, the others were black.
- 你有几根白发。You have a few grey hair.
- 一种矮的木本的多年生植物,有几个大的分枝。a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches.
- 你有几块肥皂?How many cakes of soap have you got?
- 你有几把刀子?How many knives do you have?