- 你有没有去过巴黎?Ivy: Have you ever been to Paris?
- 我的理解是:你有没有去过乡村?它离得不是很远那里人们做出的评价Do you go to the country It isn't very far There's people there who will hurt you Cos of who you are
- 你有没有去过佛罗里达的迈阿密呢?Have you ever been to Miami, Florida?
- 你有没有去通知一声那些法国女佣人?”Have the French attendants been summoned to await her coming?"
- 如果你从来未去过巴黎,你首先应该去那儿。If you've never been there, you should go first to Paris.
- 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题?Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?
- 你去过巴黎吗?Have you ever been to Paris?
- 你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况?Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?
- 我们去过巴黎。We have been to Paris.
- 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯?Did you see the paragraph about the stock market?
- 我还去过巴黎(除其他地方外).I've been to'Paris,'too,ie in addition to other places.
- 你有没有去卖零件的店问问看?Have you been to an auto-parts shop, sir?
- 你有没有看昨晚的世纪十大最佳球员评选?Did you watch the "The ten greatest soccer players of the century" vote?
- 我没有去过巴黎,不过我看见过一张爱菲尔塔的照片。I haven't been to Paris, but I've seen a picture of the Eiffel Tower.
- 詹德尔斯反唇相讥:“你有没有再招到老捕鲸手当信徒,黑尔兄弟?”Janders fought back: "You're converting any more old whalers, Brother Hale?"
- 你有没有注意到他那种局促不安的样子?Did you notice how nervous he is?
- 你有没有听说过针灸?Have you ever heard of acupuncture ?
- 您有没有去过红杉林?Have you ever visited a redwood forest?
- 你有没有注意把电视机藏在墙里的巧妙办法?Did you take note of the clever way the TV-set is concealed in the wall?
- 过去一个月,你有冇去过买呢?Did you buy food for preparation of meal in the past month?