- 你用过笔记本电脑吗?Have you used a notebook computer?
- 先生,你用过客房内的电冰箱里的东西吗?Have you used anything from the mini|bar, sir?
- 你曾经使用电脑吗?不,我未曾使用过电脑。Do you ever use a computer? No, I never use a computer.
- 常用in common usage
- 对于许多发展中国家来说,政府关心的可能是提供基本的必需品,如食品,医疗保险和足够卫生设施,孩子们真的需要一台笔记本电脑吗?For many developing countries, where the governments may be concerned with providing basic necessities, like food, health care and adequate sanitation, do children really need laptop computers?
- 使用它没有耻辱感,除了你和计算机外甚至没有人知道你用过它。There's no stigma attached to using it,and no one but you and the computer even have to know that you used it.
- 不用need not
- 噢,对不起。我以为你用过了。我把它放起来了。I thought you were through with it and put it away.
- 你知道如何操作电脑吗?Do you know how to operate computers?
- 约翰有一台个人电脑吗?Does John have a personal computer?
- 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
- 米莉有电脑吗?Does Millie have a computer?
- 仓库保管员每天把用过的器材收回登记。The store keeper checks in the equipment used every day.
- 用笔记本电脑将这份泥浆完井报告完成。Using the portable computer to finish this Mud Recap.
- 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.
- 你能帮我操作电脑吗?Can you help me operate my computer?
- 已经用过的商品distressed merchandise.
- 你用什么标准来衡量它呢?By what standard do you measure it?
- 在购买过程中您使用电脑吗?多少台,什么型号?Do you use computers in purchasing? How many and what kind?
- 别把那些用过的书丢掉。Don't cast away the used books.