- 你的茶放几块糖?How many sugars in your tea?
- 你的茶里要放几块糖?How many sugarsdo you want in your tea?
- 你的茶里放几块糖?How many sugars in your tea?
- 你的茶里实在不需要放三汤匙糖,不过那只是一种习惯而已。You don't really need three spoonfuls of sugar in your tea; it's just force of habit.
- 你不该把那辆不安全的汽车卖掉,你的不端行为迟早会得到报应。You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition; sooner of later you misdeeds will come home to roost.
- 把少量威士忌掺进你的茶。Dash your tea with a little whiskey.
- 在煎饼上放几块烤鸭,几段大葱,一匙酱,把饼卷起即可食用Place a few slices of duck, pieces of scallion and a teaspoon of jam on the pancakes, and roll it up to eat
- 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶。a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea.
- 有几块农田被淹没了。Several farms were overflown.
- 如果你再次被发现违章超速驾驶,你的驾驶执照将被吊销。Your driving licence will be revoked if you get another speeding ticket.
- 我的兜里放着三块糖Three piece of sweets lie in my pocket
- 和你的配偶私下商谈一下你们将如何对付某一可能发生的局面。Discuss with your spouse in private how you'll handle a given situation.
- 他们正坐在客厅聊天和品赏他们的茶的时候,他听到前门开关的声音,然后熟悉的脚步声。They were sitting in the living room just exchanging small talk and enjoying their tea, when he heard the front door open and close, then some familiar footsteps.
- 你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?Can you extend your visit for a few days more?
- 他们也会怀疑那种喝着招待客人的茶或咖啡的礼节性交往,这也许是他们自己国家的一种习俗。They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country.
- 现在(把你的观点)用几句话来概括一下.Now sum up (your views) in a few words.
- 提示:千万不要喝它与糖,这将抵消效应值得的茶。Tip: don't drink it with sugar, this will neutralize the worthwhile effects of the tea.
- 这块巧克力不是给你的。This bar of chocolate isn't for me.
- 普雷克尔兴奋地说:“假如临近圣诞节时很安定的话,你看可否放几天假?”Prackly said excitedly, "well, if it's quiet around Christmas, do you think there will be some furloughs granted?"
- 相对较小的茶棕色鹭,夜间活动、叫声轰然作响;常见于沼泽地带。relatively small compact tawny-brown heron with nocturnal habits and a booming cry; found in marshes.