- 她的衣服是什么颜色?What color is her dress?
- 你的新衣服是什么颜色的?What is the color of your new dress?
- 你的衣服是什么颜色?What color is your dress?
- 杰夫: 你的衣服不是耐克,也不是“彪马”,那就不是名牌的。Jeff: Your clothes is neither Nike,nor Puma. Then it is not a famous brand.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你的新书是什么颜色的?What is the color of your new book?
- 你穿的衣服是表达你的独特性的方式。The clothing that you wear is one way to express your uniqueness.
- 你的裙子是什么颜色的?What color is your skirt?
- 不幸的是这些汗水会弄脏你的衣服,也会留下难闻的气味。"Unfortunately for you, it might stain your shirt and leave behind a nasty smell."
- 可是您等着瞧我们照您自己的尺寸做出来的衣服是什么样子吧。But wait till you see what we'll get up for you on your own measure.
- 拆开一点剩布的线,缝补你的衣服上的撕裂处。Ravel a bit of the leftover cloth to mend the tear in your dress .
- 你的包是什么颜色的?What color is your bag?
- 你为什么要把你的衣服乱丢在房子里?把它们收起来放在一处!Why do you have to scatter you clothes about the house? Pick them up and keep them in one place!
- 你的电话簿是什么颜色的?What color is your phone book?
- 我将把那衣柜空出来,然后你可以在里边挂你的衣服。I'll clear out that closet and then you can hang your clothes in there.
- 你的小便什么颜色?What colour is your urine?
- 穿一个特大套领的衣服前去应约甚至不该约会我们知道是什么让您出汗,蕊娜。Extra large turtleneck for a blind date who does not even qualify. We know what makes you sweat.
- 窟窿根本不是什么东西,但你可以在那里折断你的颈骨。A hole is nothing at all,but you can break your neck in it.
- “很好,先生,很好。不过,您等着瞧我们按照您自己的尺寸,并且吩咐给您做出来的衣服是什么样子吧。”"Quite right,sir,quite right. But wait till you see what we'll make for you to you own measure. you own measure."
- 别把你的衣服扔在地板上,把它们挂起来。Don't fling your clothes on the floor, hang them up.