- 你知道他是什么货色吗 ?Don't you know what stuff he is made of?
- 你知道他是什么货色吗?Don't you know what stuff he is made of?
- 很遗憾我不知道他想说什么,你知道他是什么意思吗?I'm sorry to say I can't understand him, do you hent his meanings?
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。""Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 你知道他是中国共产党的一个成员。You know he is a member of the CCP .
- 你知道他想干什么吗?Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 他是个自信稳重的家伙,他似乎总是知道他要的是什么,而实实在在地去追求。He's a centred guy. He's always seemed to know what he wanted and gone after it in a concrete way.
- 你知道他是怎么卷入争吵的吗?Do you know how he got tangled in the quarrel?
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗?Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 我一看他的样子就知道他是一个水手。I know he is a sailor by the cut of his jib.
- 你知道作为空中小姐的职责是什么吗?Do you know what are the responsibilities of the stewardess?
- 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals.
- 你知道那哭着的孩子什么地方不舒服吗?Do you know what ails that crying child?
- 我们注视着那个陌生人,不知道他是什么人。We gazed at the stranger, wondering who he was.
- 你知道他是何等人物?Do you know what kind of person he is?
- 你知道他住在哪里吗?Do you have any idea where he lives?
- 玛丽对他的陈述信以为真,却不知道他是在开玩笑。Mary took his story at face value and do not know he was joking.
- 杰克:你知道农历新年是什么时候吗?Jack: Do you know when Chinese New Year is?
- 大家都知道他是学术界的一代宗匠。Everyone knows that he is a great master among academic circles.
- 你知道演奏第二小提琴部分是什么意思吗?Do you know what it means to play second fiddle?