- 你知道拿破仑是谁吗?Do you know who Napoleon was?
- 你知道拿破仑是谁吗?Do you know who Napoleon was?
- 你知道那个有白胡子、一个大大的肚子、穿著暖暖的红色服装的开心老人是谁吗?Do you know the jolly old man with a white beard, a big belly, and warm red suit?
- 你知道我是谁吗?我是莫格林!我发迹时你还在玩泥巴。Moe Greene: Son-of-a-bitch! I'm Moe Greene! I made my bones when you were out with cheerleaders.
- 你知道他是谁吗?Do you know who he is?
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗?Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 你知道邱吉尔的前任首相是谁吗?Do you know who preceded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister?
- 你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的?Do you know who defined man as a rational animal?
- 对这干脆利落的回答,巴特勒的怀疑加深了,他说:“我可以问一声这个人是谁吗?”"May I ask," said Butler, his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer,"who this man is?"
- 你知道这种机器人是什么时候问世的吗?Do you know when this kind of robot came into existence?
- 更糟的是,你根本不知道你是谁。连照镜子都不能使你想起来。As if that weren't enough, you haven't the faintest idea who you are. Even a look in a mirror rings no bells.
- 你知道他们在等谁吗?Do you know who they is waiting?
- 对这干脆利落的回答,巴特勒的怀疑加深了,他说:“我可以问一声这个人是谁吗?”"May I ask," said Butler, his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer, "who this man is?"
- 好,你知道爆玉米花的价钱是多少吗?OK, do you know how much popcorn is?
- 你知道我指的是谁。You know who I'm referring to.
- 你知道她在等谁吗?Do you know whom she is waiting for?
- 你知道到纽约的航空信费率是多少吗Do you happen to know the airmail rate to New York
- 你知道中国最有名的人是谁?Do you know the most well-known person in China?
- “你不知道我是谁吗?”她怒喝道。'Don't you know who I am?' she stormed.
- 你知道中国古人是怎样向动植物学习的吗?Do you know how ancient Chinese leaned from animals and plants?