- 你要不要再加点儿橘汁?Would you like a refill of orange juice?
- 你要不要再来点沙锅菜?Would you like to order some more casserole?
- 这菜里要再加点儿蒜.This dish needs a touch more garlic.
- 你要不要再来一点茶?Would you like some more tea?
- 这菜里要再加点儿蒜。This dish needs a touch more garlic.
- 你要不要再来个土豆?Would you like another potato?
- 再加besides
- 你得给车加点儿水啦 ,它都发出扑哧扑哧的声了。You should water your car, it has hiccupped.
- 你要不要再来个土豆?Would you like another potato?
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。""I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 往面团里再加点儿水,直到能揉成形为止。Add more water until the dough is workable.
- 你要学会谦虚谨慎。You must school yourself to be modest and prudent.
- 如果面包里再加点儿芝麻酱就更好吃了。It would taste even better if we added some sesame paste to the bread.
- 不要再在衣着上花费时间了,你已经够漂亮的了。Don't dawdle over your clothing. You're so beautiful already.
- 你的面包要加点儿奶酪吗?How about some cheese with your bread?
- 要不要再来一块蛋糕?Can I give you (ie Would you like) another slice of cake?
- 你要不要来点儿喝的?Would you care for a drink?
- 再给酱汁加点儿辣椒,还不够辣。Add some more chili to the sauce, it's not spicy enough.
- 你要我做事时,不要那么专横。Don't be so authoritative when you ask me to do something.
- 注意今后你不要再犯类似的错误了。Look to it that you make no more similar mistakes.