- 你要不要来一杯乌龙茶?Would you like a cup of oolong?
- 真的?那很好!你要不要来一杯乌龙茶?A:Did it? Good!Would you like a cup of oolong?
- 你要不要来为大会手册写一篇文章呢?让我们共同分享你在演讲会的成就与经验。Would you like to write an article on this Convention Book to share your successful achievement or unforgettable experience in Toastmaster?
- 下班后你要不要和我一起去喝一杯咖啡?Could you join me for a drink after work?
- 我有些巧克力。你要不要来一块?I have got some chocolates. Do you want one ?
- 你等人时要不要来一杯饮料?How about a drink while you are waiting?
- 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适?Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
- 你要来一杯吗?Do you want a cup?
- 嗨,赖瑞!你要不要见一见我的室友莎莉?Hi, Larry! Would you like to meet my roommate, Sally?
- 你说你要来的,为什么要背信弃义?You said you'd come, why did you renege on your promise?
- 你要不要留下口讯?Would you care to leave a message?
- 思维亚:那么我也来一杯,但是你答应不许笑我脸红。SYLVIA: I will have one too then. But you must promise not to laugh at my red face.
- 今晚你要不要去看电影?Would you care to see a movie tonight?
- 皮诺瓦葡萄的基因组测序工作已经完成。转基因葡萄酒,要来一杯?The pinot noir genome is sequenced. GM wine, anyone?
- 你要不要和我们一道送他一份礼?Will you join with us and give him a present?
- 倘若走某一条路不能到达你要去的地方,就试试另一条路吧!If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road,try another.
- 我要不要制定出一个方案来?Am I obliged to work out a project?
- 嗨。我希望我不是显得太专横。我给你要杯马爹利。Hi. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me. I've ordered you a Martini.
- 我要甜面包,咖啡,请再给我来一杯水,顺便问一下,冰水是消毒的吗?Give me a sweet toll and coffee. Would you mind bringing me another glass of ice water? By the way, is the water purified.
- 请问您要不要来一块炸鸡?Would you care for a piece of fried chicken?