- 你要点甜食吗?484 do you want some desert?
- 你要不要来点甜食?Are you up for some dessert?
- 你要不要来点甜食?Are you up for some dessert?
- 你要点别的什么吗?Would you like anything else?
- 上了主菜以后还要甜食吗?Would you like dessert after your main course?
- 服: 上了主菜以后还要甜食吗?Would you like dessert after your main course?
- 乔伊:这里的总汇三明治好像不错。你要不要点一个试试看?Joey: The club sandwich here sounds good. Do ypu want to try one?
- 你想再吃点甜食吗?Would you like some more sweet?
- 然后你要点击电子邮件图标。Then you have to click on the E-mail icon.
- 要不要上点甜食?Sha I bring you some dessert?
- 你要我来除去鱼的内脏吗?Would you like me to gill the fish?
- 你要点阿斯匹灵药片吗?Would you like some aspirin?
- 你要吗?Do you want it?
- 您要点什么甜食?What will you like for dessert?
- 你要西红柿吗?Do you need tomato?
- 想要点杜松子汽酒吗?Would you like some gin fizz?
- 你们要吃点甜食和水果吗?Would you like some desserts and fruits?
- 你要试一试它吗?Would you like to give it a whirl?
- 还要点什么吗?Want anything else?
- 你要保价吗?Do you want to insure it?