- 你还有其他的颜色吗?Do you have any other colors?
- A呣,我也说不好。请问,你还有其他颜色的吗?A Mmmm. I'm not so sure about orange. Excuse me, what other colours do you have?
- 除了头痛之外,你还有没有其他症状?Do you have any other symptoms besides the headache?
- 如果你还有什么其他的问题,就问李小姐。If you have any other questions,just ask Miss LI.
- 我可以看到一些其他的不同的颜色吗?May I see some others in different colors?
- “跟我们说说,哈里,”奥斯卡·奥布赖恩说:“那本日记里的笔迹,你还有印象吗?”"Tell us something, Harry," Oscar O'Brien said."Do you remember anything about the handwriting in that journal?"
- 她总是穿棕色的衣服。你认为棕色是她最喜欢的颜色吗?She is always dressed in brown.Do you think it is her favorite colour?
- 作为非洲新兴的独立国家,几内亚和加纳频繁地赞同共产党,还会有其他的吗?Will Guinea and Ghana,which have now voted with the Communists Ghana,which have now voted with the Communists frequently as newly independently countries of Africa,will there are others?
- 这一回合你还有一个球没打。You still have one bowl left in this frame.
- 昨天晚上还有其他人睡在林子里。Other people had also slept in the forest the night before.
- 你这里有较鲜艳些(深暗些)的颜色吗?Do you have anything lighter (darker)?
- 好。但是不要再有其他的人了,好吗?Fine, But no one else, OK?
- 可以,你还有一个月的训练时间。Yes,you still have a month to train.
- 你还有别的尺寸吗?Do you have any other size?
- 当然还有其他一些总线存在,例如ISA和PCI总线是将外设连接到系统的常用方式。Many flavours of bus exist, for example ISA and PCI buses are popular ways of connecting peripherals to the system.
- 其实,承包商事前有再三提醒我,他说:你肯定你真的要的这个颜色吗?My contractor tries to warn me,but I miss his point. "Are you sure? "
- 你还有什么时候的票?What time do you have tickets for?
- 您有其他的资源去做一个中心吗?(包括与当地政府部门,银行或其他机构的关系)What are additional resources that you have in running a Gymboree center? (including the relationship with the local government, banks, and others)
- 一年以前你还有点肤浅,有点粗陋。A year ago, you were perhaps a little limited-a little rustic.
- 最高时速是多少?有其他颜色可供选择吗?What will be the maximum speed? When will other colours be available?