- 你还玩其他游戏吗?Do you play other games online? RTS-Games?
- 吗morphine
- 你还从事其他方面的运动吗?Do you play any other sports?
- 在Smartphone上玩游戏的模式与其他游戏平台有很大的不同。The pattern of game play on a Smartphone will be quite different from other game platforms.
- 除了鼓以外,你还会玩其它的乐器吗?Do you play any instruments other than the drums?
- 您喜欢玩侦探和解谜游戏吗?Do you like playing detective and solving mysteries?
- 你说你还能往那个碗橱里再塞进多少碟子?How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard?
- 喜欢网络游戏吗?Do you like network game B.
- 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with?
- 你知道谁赢了这一局红警游戏吗?Do you know who has won the Red Alert game?
- 这样子你还说干净You call this clean.
- 你还有其他的颜色吗?Do you have any other colors?
- 你搞不清状况,你还在梦中In your dreams!
- 你担心暴雪会在2002年发行比你们公司更好的RTS游戏吗?Do you afraid that Blizzard will release a better RTS game than your company in 2002?
- 你还需要帮忙吗?Do you need further help?
- 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在家里凑合着吃顿便饭?Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck?
- "你抽烟依然抽得很多吗?" "我总想要少抽些,可是我怕我还没有能完全做到。""Do you smoke as much as ever?" "I'm trying to cut down, not with very much success as yet, I'm afraid."
- 我们付给你还是去柜台?Do we pay you or the cashier?
- 那本小说你还给图书馆了吗?Have you returned the novel to the library?
- 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在家里凑合着吃顿便饭?Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck?