


  1. 贴花转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序
    The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
  2. 炸药一种用来爆破或引起爆炸的物质,尤指准备好的化学药品
    A substance, especially a prepared chemical, that explodes or causes explosion.
  3. 这时敌人退到了准备好的阵地里。
    The enemy then fell back to their prepared position.
  4. 那批人从旅游车里蜂拥而出,跑去饭店里立即开始吃为他们准备好的饭菜。
    The men piled out of the coach, rushed into the restaurant and immediately got to work on the meal that had been prepared for them.
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