- 前面头发剪得够多了吗?Is that enough off the front?
- 卢克:他说得够多了。他告诉我是你杀了他。Luke: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.
- 她的头发剪得太糟,所有的鬓脚都不齐。Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven.
- 我想今晚你已经喝得够多了。I think perhaps you've had enough to drink tonight.
- 我们在这些地区做得够了吗?Are we doing enough in that area?
- “你妈给我穿的衣服够多了,真是受不了呀。”爷爷笑着说。"Your mother is putting enough clothes on me to kill a man," Grandpa laughed.
- 前额峻削地向后倾斜至发际,头发剪得很短,显出一个恶棍样的脑袋上的每一部分。The forehead slanted quickly back to the hair, which, clipped close, showed every bump of a villainous-looking head.
- "全告诉我吧,我的孩子," 她说,"别藏在心里,我看你忍得够多的了。""Tell me it all, my lad, " she said. "Get it off your chest. I can see you've had a lot to put up with."
- 饭菜够吗?今晚我们多了3个客人吃饭。Will the food stretch out? Tonight we've got three extra guests for dinner.
- 小麦多肽wheat peptides
- 别让我做这件事。我目前的问题已够多了。Don't ask me to do it. I've got enough problems as it is.
- 如果国共两党能共同完成这件事,蒋氏父子他们的历史都会写得好一些。If the KMT and the CPC can join efforts to complete it, Chiang kai-shek and his son will have a better place in history.
- 若该选区(提名日没有竞争对手的选区)的得票率少过50%就应该举行补选。If the MP or MPs in the uncontested constituencies,whether they are Single-Member Constituency or Group Representation Constituency,obtained less than 50%25 of valid vote,by-elections should be held.
- 如果下议院议员投票反对政府,就得解散议会,进行大选,重新选出下议院以决国事。If the Members of Parliament vote against the government,they will have to go to the country.
- 中国政府将希望,中国人寿上市首日股价飙升是个例外。内地的股票交易所有着雄心勃勃的计划,希望吸引更多企业前来上市,今年的筹资规模可能会超过香港。The government will be hoping that China Life is an aberration. Local exchanges have ambitious plans for listings and could surpass Hong Kong this year in funds raised.
- 今晚就别打扰你父亲了,他的烦心事儿已经够多了。Don't bother your father tonight,he's got a lot on his mind.
- 咱们不要给特克斯添新的麻烦,他吃的苦已经够多了。We don't want Tex exposed to anything. He has all the troubles he can handle.
- 即使不给你照看那些生病的小宠物, 我生活里的麻烦事就已经够多了!I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your sick pets!
- 好,有关这笔交易的各项细节我已经听得够多的了,现在让我们言归正传谈关键问题。告诉我你们打算要我付多少费用?Okey, I've heard enough about all the details of this deal. Now let's cut to the chase - how much money are you going to want me to pay.
- 可用的减肥药已经够多了,但是一种叫Alli的新药将首先以非处方药的身份进行出售。There are plenty of prescription weight loss drugs available, but a new diet pill called Alli is the first that will be sold in a non-prescription version.