- 分段模糊Lyapunov方法Piecewise fuzzy Lyapunov function
- 分minute
- 滑移铰空间机器人基于分级Lyapunov方法的避障碍非完整运动规划Nonholonomic Motion Planning of Space Robots with Prismatic Joint for Obstacle Avoidance via Hierarchical Lyapunov Methods
- 利用Lyapunov方法给出了模型预测控制闭环稳定性的4个基本条件。It obtained the four axioms of the close loop stability of the MPG by usingthe Lyapunov method.
- 变分方法variational approach
- 变分演算variational calculus
- Lyapunov方法Lyapunov method
- 大范围变分法calculus of variation in the large
- 变分导数variation derivative
- 变分公式variational formulation
- 变分计算calculus of variations
- 摘要本文讨论了一类抛物型变分不等式的近似收敛问题。A convergence estimate and approximation for a kind of parabolic variational inequality is discussed.
- 变分波函数variational wave function
- 变分法演算calculus of variation method
- 变分方程组system of variational equations
- 变分监控器variational monitor
- 变分灵敏度variational sensitivity
- 变分矢量场variation vector field
- 变分完备性variational completeness
- 变分向量场variation vector field