- 可以借我5英镑吗? 我明天还你.Can you lend me 5? I'll pay you back tomorrow.
- 能借我5英镑吗,周末还你?Could you oblige me with (ie lend or give me) five pounds until the weekend?
- 可以借我5英镑吗?我明天还你。Can you lend me 5? I'll pay you back tomorrow.
- 我现在有困难。请借我5英镑,周末还你,好吗?I'm in a fix. Can you please lend me five pounds until the end of the week.
- 吗morphine
- 你可以借我十英镑吗?Can you loan me ten pound?
- 你可以借我任何一本书。You may borrow any of my books.
- 好,我同意!如我能依次正确讲出彩虹颜色的名称,你就给我5英镑。You're on! You'll give me five pounds if I can name the colours of the rainbow in their correct sequence.
- 不知道你是否可以借我一点钱。I was wondering if you would care to make me a small advance.
- 你能告诉我在哪儿可以将美元换成英镑吗?Can you tell me where I can exchange my US dollars for British pounds?
- 汽车修理厂给我5英镑折价换取我的汽车旧电池,这使我比较容易接受得买一个新电池的事实。The garage gave me five pounds for trading in my old car battery, which took the sting of having to buy a new one.
- 你可以借我的任何一本书。You may borrow any of my books.
- 提姆︰别担心,我的可以借你用。Tim: Don't worry, you can borrow some of mine.
- 你欠我5英镑, 快, 吐出来!You owe me 5: come on, disgorge!
- 这本书我可以借一两天吗?May I borrow the book for a day or two?
- 是的,你可以借我的车开。Natch, you can borrow my car.
- 我可以从我的帐户上提取50英镑吗Can I draw 50 from my account?
- 我原来票面为10英镑的股票现在价值为15英镑,涨了5英镑。My original ten-pound shares are now valued at fifteen-five pounds above par.
- 也许你和爸爸可以借我一点钱。Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad.
- 你真的认为修补一下我车上的那块凹痕需要40英镑吗?Do you mean to say it will cost me forty pounds just to repair one small dent in my car?