- 风news
- 司空minister of public works in ancient china
- 惯accustomed to
- 风的Aeolian
- 和风breeze
- 司空图Sikong Tu
- 司空摘星catching star astronaut
- 风管wind pipe
- 司空图诗Poems by SIKONG Tu
- 惯常used to
- 风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes
- 司空图晚年行迹考A study of Sikong Tu's life in his old age
- 惯常的habitual
- 风道whirl tube
- 大司空村类型陶器Dasikong Cun type pottery
- 随风with the wind
- 惯于wont
- 司空图悖论人生在诗文中的体现The Reflection of SIKONG Tu's Absurd Life in the Poems
- 有风windy
- 不惯的strange