- 告诉我,我们愿意么?我们可以么。Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind smiles we give to one another.
- 你并不是我见过的最美丽的女孩,但是,我想和你在一起,你愿意么?You are not the most beautiful girl I know, but, I wanna be with you, will you?
- 有人告诉我,你可能当我们的新经理。The bush telegraph tells me you are likely to become our new manager.
- 你们这愿意在律法以下的,请告诉我,你们岂没有听过律法么?Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?
- 她毫不保留地告诉我有关这件事的一切。She told me all about it without reserve.
- 兹复贵方函询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方...In reply to your letter inquiry of... we wish to inform you that...
- 现在请告诉我,你们是否愿意以诚信待我主人,与他联姻。Now tell me if you will keep faith and truth with my master.
- 你的说法跟他告诉我的情况极为相似。Your story closely parallels what he told me.
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂?Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 逆戟鲸告诉我,我们的救世主很快会来到。The orca told me our Savior is coming very soon.
- 诺里斯:你在尝试告诉我我的责任么,先生?Norris(Charles Brown): Are you attempting to tell me my duties, sir?
- 能不能告诉我为什么对我们公司感兴趣呢?Can you tell me why you are interested in our company?
- 告诉我你有感觉到麻麻的感觉 从你脊背窜上来么Tell me you didn't feel a slight tingle, a thrill run up your spine.
- 麻烦您告诉我最近的地方,我们可以现金交电费?Could you please tell me nearest location we could pay our electric bill in cash?
- "你愿意告诉我在哪里能找到钻石吗?"Will you tell me where I can find diamonds?"
- 我今天不舒服,您能告诉我最近的医院在哪儿么?I feel sick today, would you please tell me where the nearest hospital is?
- 你愿不愿意告诉我,你究竟想干什么?Do you mind telling me what exactly you are at?
- 能告诉我为什么对我们公司感兴趣吗?Can you tell me why you are interested in our company?
- 请您把规格告诉我方,我们将很高兴地给您报价。Tell us your specification and we shall be only too pleased to make you an offer.
- 你到底愿不愿意告诉我中国领导人的名字?Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?