- 喂,是李先生吗?我是丹佛市Bensonaeronautics的EllenRichard。Hello, Mr. Lee? This is Ellen Richardson of Benson aeronautics in Denver....
- 喂,是李先生吗?我是丹佛市Benson aeronautics的EllenRichard。Hello,Mr. Lee? This is Ellen Richardson of Benson aeronautics in Denver.
- 喂,是李先生吗?我是丹佛市Benson Aeronautics的Ellen Richard。"Hello, Mr. Lee? This is Ellen Richardson of Benson Aeronautics in denver. . "
- 吗morphine
- 你能传话给李先生吗?Can you relay this to Mr. Li?
- 是李先生,他经验很丰富。Mr. Li is the referee, he is very experienced.
- 喂,是李先生吗?我是丹佛市Bensonaeronautics的EllenRichard。Hello, Mr. Lee? This is Ellen Richardson of Benson aeronautics in Denver ...
- 对不起,你是托尼赖德先生吗?Excuse me. Are you Mr. Tony Ryder?
- 这梯子是李先生做的。This ladder is made by Mr Li.
- 另外,新加坡领袖特别是李光耀资政,时常指出西方制度和价值观的弊端。Furthermore, our leaders, especially Mr Lee Kuan Yew, had on numerous occasions spoken up against aspects of Western policies or values as pitfalls to avoid.
- 喂,您是Endicott先生吗?Hello... Mr Endicott ?
- 我来把我的朋友约翰.史密斯介绍给您。约翰这是李先生。I'd like to introduce my friend John Smith to you. John,this is Mr. Li.
- 是梅勒先生吗?Is that you, Mr. Mailer ?
- 是李先生在星期日修理了这些桌椅。It was Mr. Li who repaired the desks and chairs on Sunday.
- 喂,是史密斯先生吗?Hello,Mr. Smith?
- 李先生继续教英国史。Mr. Li proceeded to teach the history of England.
- 对不起。你是托尼·赖德先生吗?我叫西德尼·卡森。Excuse me. Are you Mr Tony Ryder? My name's Sidney Carson.
- 他们认为是李先生建立了这个数据库。They considered Mr. Li to have built the data bank.
- 喂!你是史密斯先生吗?Hello. Is this Mr. Smith ?
- 李先生是这个公司中极少数谦逊而不盛气凌人的人之一。Mr Lee is one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the company.