- 在英格兰你用筷子吗?Do you use chopsticks in England?
- 在英格兰你居住在何处无关紧要,通常附近都有外卖的中国餐馆。It doesn't matter where you live in England there is usually a Chinese take-away restaurant close at hand.
- 顺便问一下,我们正在学用筷子,可以做给我们看看怎么拿筷子吗?By they way,we are learning to use chopsticks. Could you show us how to handle them?
- 那么摆中式餐具应该就可以了。你的客人都知道怎么用筷子吗?Then a Chinese-style table setting should be fine. Does each guest know how to use chopsticks?
- 贝: 顺便问一下,我们正在学用筷子,可以做给我们看看怎么拿筷子吗?By they way, we are learning to use chopsticks. Could you show us how to handle them?
- 温莎城堡:英国皇家居住地。坐落在英格兰南部伯克郡,位于泰晤士河北岸。"Windsor Castle: Principal British royal residence, on the River Thames in Windsor, Berkshire, southern England."
- 你用筷子呢还是用刀叉?Can you manage chopsticks or would you rather have a knife and fork?
- 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
- 第二天他们见面了,哈姆雷特把国王计划在英格兰要杀死他的事告诉了荷瑞修。The following day they met, and Hamlet told Horatio that the king had planned to kill him in England.
- 您想买一把筷子吗?Would you like to buy a bunch of chopsticks?
- 赫勒福德牛在英格兰养的一种肉用牛,通体淡红,有白色斑纹Any of a breed of beef cattle developed in England and having a reddish coat with white markings.
- 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?Have you used your ration of petrol for this week?
- 你接到了在英格兰的儿子的来信了吗?Have you heard from your son in England yet ?
- 您会使用筷子吗Can you manage with chopsticks
- 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.
- 你有一双筷子吗?Have you a pair of chopsticks?
- 你用什么标准来衡量它呢?By what standard do you measure it?
- 嗨,我们有筷子吗?( chopsticks)Hey, do we have any chopsticks?
- 燕麦--是一种谷物,在英格兰一般用来喂马,但苏格兰则靠它来养人。Oats: a grain which in england in generally give to horse, but in scotland support the people .
- 您会使用筷子吗?Can you manage with chopsticks?