



  • - (硬; 坚固) hard; solid; firm; strong:

    solid [hard] ice 坚冰

    - (坚定; 坚决) firm; steadfast; resolute:

    state insistently; insist; 坚称

    flatly refuse; 坚拒

  • - (坚固的东西,多指阵地) a heavily fortified point; fortification; stronghold:

    storm strongholds; 攻坚

    overrun all fortifications; be all-conquering 无坚不摧

    - (甲胄) armour:

    wear armour and carry weapons; be a warrior 披坚执锐

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Jian Chan 坚镡



  1. 他们很高兴能离开海船,回到坚实的陆地上。
    They were glad to leave the boat and put their feet on the solid ground.
  2. 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
    This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform.
  3. 一个坚强的人会忍受困苦而不抱怨。
    A strong man will bear hardship without complaining.
  4. 他们建造了一个坚固的城垛。
    They built a strong battlement
  5. 这个防卫墙很坚固。
    The battlement is very strong.
  6. 他成长为一名坚强的领导人。
    He developed into a strong leader.
  7. 在伦敦英镑对美元仍坚挺,但在纽约却跌了一点儿。
    The pound stayed firm against dollar in London but fell a little in New York.
  8. 北京有很多坚固而雄伟的城楼。
    There are many strong and stately towers in Beijing.


目录 查词历史