- 大家都在等你了?We're all waiting for you. Doyou think Iam?
- 外面街上站满了人,还有许多人骑在栅栏,大家都在等着要瞧你一眼。The street out here is full of people, and others are roosting on the fences, waiting to get a glimpse of you.
- 外面街上站满了人,还有许多人骑在栅栏,大家都在等着要瞧你一眼。The street out here is full of people, and others are roosting on the fences, waiting to get a glimpse of you.
- 好像结束了。回家吧,回我的村庄。大家都在等着呢。Our business is done. Shall we head back home? Kiki, Lolo, Una, Gonji, and all the others are waiting.
- 后藤先生马上就过来,他一直都在等你。Mr. Goto will be here shortly. He's been expecting you.
- 费尔,所有的客人都到齐了,他们都在等你。Phil, the guests are all here. They're all waiting.
- 你收音机的音量必须控制在我们大家都以忍受的范围内。The noise of your radio must be limited to a level that we can all bear.
- 我们大家都在这儿。All of us are here.
- 我一整天都在等你,你终于来了。I've been waiting all day for you. Finally, you are here.
- 苏珊的公司遇到了难关,她每天都在亏本。你帮帮她好吗?Susan had a time with her company. She loses money everyday. Would you help her?
- 大家都在评论她的新帽子。Everyone commented on her new hat.
- 你终于来了,整个上午我都在等你。At last you come! I have been waiting for you for the whole morning.
- 大家都在车上。Everyone is on the coach.
- 大家都在努力推进社会主义事业。Everybody is doing his best to press forward the socialist cause.
- 接着是沉默,每个人都在等着别人拿出点儿什么东西来。Then came the silence, each waiting for the other to contribute something.
- 大家都在看我。All eyes were bent on me.
- “噢,你们大家都来了!”她由衷高兴地说。“还有鼓尼费瑟先生,真的,你也在!”"Why,here you all are!" she said with genuine delight. "And Mr Pennyfeather,too,to be sure!"
- 我整个上午都在等你, 但是没见到你的影子.I waited for you all morning but you never showed.
- 大家都在谈论这事That's the talk of the town
- 他们不喜欢好多客人都在等着买酒时,却有人靠着吧台站着。They don't like people standing idly against the bar when there are a lot of customers wanting for service.