- 她有靠山。She has a friend at court.
- 有to have
- 有很好的靠山,大有成功的可能Go in with good cards
- 有靠山have backing; have an influential supporter
- 有点rather
- 背后有靠山have sb. to rely upon; be well looked after by others
- 要有need
- 他的同事们正计划到不大有人去的地方度暑假。His colleagues are planning to go somewhere off the beaten track for the summer holidays.
- 自恃有靠山count on sb.'s backing
- 由于您在医疗方面学识渊博,经验丰富,对我院一定大有帮助。With your profound knowledge and experience in the medical field,I'm sure that you will help our hospital tremendously.
- 终身有靠depend on sb. all one's life
- 这种战法,比较单纯的正面防御大有区别。This way of fighting is vastly different from purely frontal defence.
- 有靠窗的台吗?Is there any table by the window?
- 靠山backer
- 细菌比动物细胞更少受到盐的渗透作用的影响,因细菌的细胞壁不大有渗透性。Bacteria are less affected by the osmotic effect of salt than animal cells because bacterial cell walls are less permeable.
- 有靠窗的座位吗?Could I have a window seat?
- 他声称创造了新纪录,那可大有争议.He made some very disputable claims about his record.
- 我们去野营的计划大有实现的可能。Plans for our camping are shaping up very well.
- 有靠着钻身的硬顶和切边的一种钻井钻头。a drilling bit with cutting edges usually hard-tipped against wear.
- 但天龙山岩体明显偏北,大有脱离东西向分布向北东“飘移”之势。But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward "drift".