- 她真的那么说了?Did she really say that?
- 她就要做那件事了。她真的没有多少选择的余地了,是这样吗?She's going to do it. She doesn't have much choice, really, does she?
- 真的forsooth
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 就算他真的那么说,我相信他无意伤害你的感情。Even if he did say that, I'm sure he didn't intend to hurt your feelings.
- 她真的捕捉到了画里的精神实质;她的摄影作品反映了她的情感。She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings; She got the mood just right in her photographs.
- 希拉:是的,她当著大家的面说了。她真的惹毛我了。Sheila: Yes, she said it in front of everyone. She really gets my goat.
- 杰克太爱吹牛了,当教练说他并不是他所想像的那么好时,他感到很惊讶。Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn't as good a player as he thought he was.
- 要是她那么说的,她就是说了个大瞎话。If she had said that,she told a real whopper.
- 她真的迷上了园艺She's really hooked on gardening.
- "我看到他清早6点钟从她的套房里走出来。" -- "我明白了,别再说了!""I saw him leaving her flat at6 in the morning." - "Say no more!"
- 真的!他是那么说的吗?Did he say that?
- 她真的爱上我了She was head over heels in love with me
- 我们真的那么坏需要警察乔装卧底来抓我们吗?真是浪费时间We are so ad that we need undercover cops put onto us? What a waste of their time
- 要是她那么说的, 她就是说了个大瞎话。If she said that, she was telling a real whopper.
- 她真的惹我生气了。She's really beginning to bug me.
- 珍妮说了那些关于我的傻话令我很伤心。我没想到她会背后说人坏话。I was very hurt when Jane made those stupid remarks about me. I had not expected a stab in the back from her.
- 哇,你似乎被电脑迷住了。那东西真的那么有趣还是你睁着眼睛睡着了?Wow, you look spellbound by your computer screen, is it really all that interesting or have you fallen asleep with your eyes open?
- 她真的做了!真没想到!She actually did it! Well, I never!
- 可是很难过的告诉你,她的内饰部分就不能那么说了。Sadly however I can't say the same for the interior.