- 她询问到我了吗?Did she enquire about me?
- 她询问我了吗?Did she inquire about me?
- 莫妮卡,嗨,莫妮卡,你吓到我了。你慌慌张张。这样不好。Monica- Hi! Um, Monica, you're scaring me. I mean, you're like, you're like all chaotic and twirly. And not-not in a good way.
- 她she
- 询问到车站去的路Inquire for the road to the station
- 他说的事涉及到我了吗?Does what he has said refer to me?
- 她的her
- 她询问我的私生活使我感到很尴尬。Her questions about my private life embarrassed me.
- 他询问到车站去的路。He inquired for the road to the station.
- 在一开始,它是我和特德对付世界,但世界最终赢得了吗?In the beginning, it was me and Ted against the world, but has the world finally won?
- 部长被人询问到他的工业计划。The minister was queried about his plan for the industry.
- 你帮我解这个纵横字谜好吗?它难住我了。Will you help me with this crossword puzzle? It got me stumped.
- 她询问你的情况(或:她问候你)。She asked after you.
- 我询问到洛杉矶的火车。I enquired about trains to Los Angeles.
- 现在轮到我了吗?Is it my turn now?
- 她询问他旅途上的事。She asked him about his trip.
- 是我,我是你的山姆。你不认识我了吗?It's me. It's your Sam. Don't you know your Sam?
- 我就老师给我们的工作向她询问。I questioned the teacher about the work she had given us.
- 不,上次是你付的,这次轮到我了。No. you picked it up last time. It's my turn today.
- 她询问似的向吴芝生看了一眼。She glanced at Wu Chih-sheng inquiringly