- 始而不解, 继而恍然。At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light.
- 始而不解,继而恍然。At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light.
- 恍然suddenly
- 继而then; afterwards
- 始而at first; originally; at the start
- 史密斯困惑不解地四下张望。Smith looked round in some mystification.
- 由始而终from start to finish
- 恍然明白她笑话的含义。Her joke suddenly clicked.
- 茫然不解地瞪着眼睛stare in perplexity
- 两个人简直一样,正因为一样所以双方才始而亲昵。They were both the same, and it had produced first the intimacy.
- 莉安娜静静地站在门口。她这才恍然觉悟到底发生了什么事。Liana stood on the doorway silently. She just came round to realise what had happened.
- 太阳邪郁不解stagnation of TAI YANG pathogen remaining still
- 继而伤寒突然蔓延。An outbreak of typhoid followed.
- 令人不解的问题/提问a perplexing problem/question
- 我恍然醒悟,问他对面的陆地上有什么,他片刻也不迟疑地答道:“对面没有陆地。Disenchanted, I asked him what was on the other shore, and without a moment's hesitation he answered: "There is no shore on the other side.
- 老师继而谈到英语考试的详细情况。The teacher descended to particulars of the examination in English.
- 令人不解地耽搁/缺席inexplicably delayed/absent
- 如果把这些情形联系起来,还不能使案件的调查人恍然领悟,那几乎是难以想象的事了。That all united should fail to enlighten the competent inquirer in any case is almost inconceivable.
- 迈克不解地问。Mike asked, puzzled.
- 先埋怨服务质量差;继而埋怨收费高to bitch about the service, then about the bill