- 它的潜伏期有多长?答:潜伏期一般为2至7日,但可长达10日。What is the incubation period of the disease? The incubation period typically ranges from 2-7 days, but can last up to 10 days.
- 它的潜伏期有多长?What is the incubation period of the disease?
- 时代:党的纪律和对它的忠诚有多重要?会否出现集/权主义,或是对你个人的崇拜?TIME: How important is party discipline and loyalty? Is there a danger of totalitarianism, or a cult of personality around you?
- 虽然一般来说,创伤弧菌感染的潜伏期是数小时至数天,但已有报告发现更长的潜伏期。Incubation times may vary among individuals, and therefore careful history taking is very important for accurate differential diagnosis and treatment.
- 尼罗河有多长?How long is the River Nile?
- 战争把许多青年男子吞进了它的无底洞。The war swallowed up many young men into its maw.
- 请你量一下这条裤子,看看有多长。Will you please measure these trousers to see how long they are?
- 我们花五万美金买这个店铺,外加八千美金付它的商业信誉。We paid %2450,000 for the store, plus %248,000 for goodwill.
- 《纽约时报》在许多国家有它的通讯记者。The New York Times has correspondents in many countries.
- 这个职位任期多长?How long is the post tenable for?
- 他的说法经核实过后真实程度有多大?How does his story check out with the facts?
- 思想家会离开人世,但它的思想将永不消亡,人不能永生,思想却可以永存。The thinker dies; but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal, but ideas are immortal.
- 多长时间?For how long?
- A组训练2d后搜索站台的潜伏期短,游泳有规律,路线清晰。 B组和C组训练2d后搜索站台的潜伏期长,游泳轨迹杂乱。Group A which were trained for 2 days had clear and regular swim orbit with short latency.
- 仅花了前张专辑一半的时间,它的销量就突破百万大关。It took just half the time of its predecessor to surpass the million mark in sales.
- 任何一个民族的文化都是它的思想的产物,这句话是毫无疑义的。It is a truism lo say that the culture of any nation is the product of its mind.
- 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?Thank you. How long will this offer be open?
- 带有一个平衡轮和一个仿造的钟摆连接着它的表。(18th century) a watch with a balance wheel having a fake pendulum attached to it.
- 你兄弟当了多长时间的兵了?How long has your brother been a soldier?
- 这一机构的人员选用,由皇帝决定,它的报告直接送给皇帝。Choice of its members lay with the emperor and its reports were submitted directly to the monarch.