- 小分子干扰RNA片段siRNA
- 人ClC-2基因小分子干扰RNA真核表达载体的构建和鉴定Construction and identification of the small interfering RNA eukaryotic expression vectors of human ClC-2 gene
- 小分子干扰RNA对绒毛膜癌细胞人类白细胞抗原G基因表达的影响Role of human leukocyte antigen-G small interference RNA in a choriocarcinoma cell line
- 双链干扰RNAsiRNA
- 鸟嘌呤四链体G-quadruplex
- 针对Her-2基因的小分子干扰RNA对卵巢上皮性癌细胞生物学行为影响的研究Effects of small interfering RNA specific for Her-2 gene on biological behavior of ovarian carcinoma cell
- X染色体相关凋亡抑制蛋白的小分子干扰RNA对卵巢上皮性癌细胞生长的影响Inhibition of ovarian cancer growth by small interfering RNA targeting X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis gene
- 双链体duplex
- DNA双链体DNA duplex
- 小分子micromolecule
- 同源双链体homoduplex
- 小分子干扰small interfering
- DNA 双链体DNA duplex
- 小分子干扰RNAsmall interfering RNA
- 缺口双链体gapped duplex
- 小干扰RNAsiRNA
- 异源双链体heteroduplex
- 发卡样小干扰RNAHairpin siRNA
- 裂化是使较重的低挥发性的碳氢化合物分裂成较小分子的化学分裂。Cracking involves the chemical breakdown of higher, less volatile hydrocarbons into smaller molecules.
- 带缺口双链体gapped duplex