
[xiǎo tí dà zuò]




小题大作 [xiǎo tí dà zuò]
  • - make a fuss over a trifling matter; a fuss about a trifle; a great fuss about trifles; a fuss about nothing [a trifling matter]; a great disturbance about a trifle; a long harvest about [for] a little corn; a storm in a tea cup; a tempest in a teapot [barrel; bucket]; break [crush] a fly [a butterfly] on the wheel; great [much] cry and little wool; make a fun about [over] trifles; make a mountain out of a molehill; much ado about nothing; strain at a gnat; use a sledge-hammer on a gnat; too much of a little matter



  1. 报纸小题大作,一再提起那位政治家的过失。
    The newspapers keep dragging up the politician's mistake.
  2. 你尽管有些苦恼,但实在不必小题大作。
    You may be a bit upset, but it's really nothing to make a song and dance about.
  3. 那仅仅是个小小的分歧--咱们别小题大作了。
    It's only a small disagreement, let's not make an issue of it.
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