- 崭露才华to exhibit a talent
- 正如像金子那样发光,你能在人群中崭露自己,就能步入精英的行列。As the wheat is separated from the chaff, if you are left standing, you are left standing with others of good caliber
- 其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.
- 不露锋芒hide one's light under a bushel
- 无人想露锋芒。Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel.
- 她才华横溢而不露锋芒.She's brilliant but self effacing.
- 崭precipitous peak
- 她才华横溢而不露锋芒。She's brilliant but self-effacing.
- 锋芒abilities
- 本崭量proper vector
- 沐浴露shower bath
- 崭然towering; outstanding
- 崭种new species
- 润肤露skin cream
- 崭齐perfectly uniform; perfectly even
- 他的这篇文章分析辨难,却又不露锋芒。He argues by using challenging questions in a subtle way.
- 特崭标characteristic index
- 如果敌人进攻,就避其锋芒。If the enemy attacks, take evasive action.
- 特崭量characteristic vector