- 棍骗乡愚To cheat villagers
- 鲁迅与中国诙谐文化中的乡愚主题Luxun and the Clodhopper Subject in the Chinese Humor Culture
- 叹黠者、狡者、愚者、拙者、直谅者、乡愚者;He sighed for the crafty, for the cunning, for the stupid, for the doltish, for the upright and sincere, and for the country bumpkins.
- 而教民则“以入教为护符,尝闻作奸犯科,讹诈乡愚,欺凌孤弱”。Some Chinese converts took advantage of their status to openly prey on the weak and vulnerable.
- 市侩Babbitt
- 乡village
- 愚stupid
- 市侩的Philistine
- 市侩习气sordid merchants' ways; philistinism
- 市侩作风babbittry
- 市侩俗物the horrid men at the market; a trader who counts only the pennies
- 愚痴imbecility
- 西乡Xixiang
- 沾染市侩作风be contaminated by philistine ways
- 愚者featherwit
- 这人满身的市侩气味。This man has the look of a sordid merchant written all over him.
- 希望之乡Promised Land
- 市侩热衷于尘事的人;凡人A person devoted to the world; a worldling.
- 他痛悔自己的愚行。He has bitterly repented his folly.
- 时间限制了艺术家的骄傲和市侩的鄙俗。Time curbed the artist's pride and the philistine's vulgarity.