- 那利息不是很高吗?你何不下个月再还我好了?B: Isn't the interest high Why don't you just pay me next month?
- 她很高吗?Is she a tall girl?
- 吗morphine
- 癌症的死亡率很高吗?Does cancer have a high mortality?
- 大学教育的费用怎样?很高吗?What about the cost of university education? Is it very high?
- 他社会地位很高。He has a high position in society.
- 一个公司的主计长的职位应该比总裁助理的职位高吗?Should a company controller's position be rated higher than that of assistant to the president?
- 布莱克先生在公众中声望很高。Mr. Black stands high in the public estimation.
- 房价房价太高吗。不相关的问题太高吗。The price of housing is too highThe price of housing is too high'': irrelevant!: Irrelevant!
- 这种香烟焦油含量很高。This kind of tobacco has a high tar content.
- 教师的社会等级高吗?Are teachers high on the social scale?
- 我的房屋保险费很高。The insurance on my house is very high.
- 你的职位高吗?Did you have a high rank?
- 宝石类的税率很高。There is a very high tariff on jewelry.
- 这个位置合适吗?正吗?够高吗?你们都能看得清吗?Is that all right? Straight? High enough? Can you all see it?
- 他在一家出版社里谋到一个报酬很高的职位。He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house.
- 你能确定只要三年这棵树就会和这幢楼房一样高吗?Can you that the tree will be as tall as the building only in three?
- 民意测验显示人民对总统的支持率很高。The opinion polls gave the president a high rating.
- 她是个效率很高的编辑She is an editorial powerhouse.
- 她酬金很高。She is handsomely paid.