- 您什么时候可以见我?What time will you be able to see me?
- 我常常打坐和时常听您所说的故事,您什么时候可以来看我?I often meditate and listen to Your stories. When can You come to see me?
- 您什么时候可以过来拿?When will you be able to collect it?
- 我就通知铃木先生您来了,看他是否现在可以见您。I'll notify Mr. Suzuki that you're here and see if he can meet you now.
- 什么what
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。""When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- 什么时候when
- 您什么时候可以交货?When will you be able to deliver?
- 不管什么时候你见到他时叫他来见我。Whenever you see him,tell him to come to see me.
- 我什么时候可以见你?When can I see you?
- 那么,您什么时候能来和我们一起吃晚饭呢?Then, when can we expect you for dinner?
- 您什么时候开始打篮球?When did you begin to play basketball?
- 好的。嗯,事情很重要,所以我们最好放在星期二上午。你什么时候能见我?Fine. er... it's very important, so we'd better make it Tuesday morning. What time can you meet me?
- 我们什么时候可以抵达伦敦?At what time shall we get to London?
- 您什么时候要报价单呢?When do you want their quotations?
- 您什么时候预约的?When did you make the reservation?
- 你什么时候可以还清钱?When will you come across with the money?
- 当然可以,您什么时候需要?Certainly, for what time?
- 我什么时候可以登机呢?When can I board?
- 列车员: 您什么时候丢失的?When did you lost it?