- 您什么时候预约的?When did you make the reservation?
- 什么时候预约的?When was the reservation made?
- 你是什么时候预约的?你是怎样预约的?预约电话是多少?When did you engage your visa? How did you make your engagement? What's the phone number of engagement?
- 什么what
- 您什么时候可以见我?What time will you be able to see me?
- 什么时候when
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。""When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 我常常打坐和时常听您所说的故事,您什么时候可以来看我?I often meditate and listen to Your stories. When can You come to see me?
- 那么,您什么时候能来和我们一起吃晚饭呢?Then, when can we expect you for dinner?
- 您什么时候动身?When would you like to leave?
- 您什么时候开始打篮球?When did you begin to play basketball?
- 您什么时候要报价单呢?When do you want their quotations?
- 当然可以,您什么时候需要?Certainly, for what time?
- 你喜欢什么时候叫您?When would you be fond of receiving the call?
- 列车员: 您什么时候丢失的?When did you lost it?
- 传真您想什么时候发?When do you expect to have it faxed?
- 24医:您什么时候开始发现这些症状的?D: When did you begin to notice these symptoms?
- 您不认为信用证跟现金差不多吗?而且如果您愿意,什么时候都是可以贴现的。Don't you think a letter of credit is just as good as cash? And you can discount it at any time, if you like.
- 你希望什么时候叫醒您?When would you like us to wake you up?
- 您能告诉我刘先生什么时候回来吗?Can you tell me what time Mr. Liu will be back?