- 你喜欢靠窗的座位吗?Would you like a seat near the window?
- 您喜欢靠窗的座位吗?Would you like a seat near the window?
- 我喜欢靠窗的座位。A window seat is my preference.
- 您比较喜欢靠窗、靠走道还是中间的座位?Would you prefer a window, aisle or center seat?
- 我喜欢靠窗坐。I like window seats.
- 您喜欢靠近窗户的座位吗?Would you like the table near the window?
- “您喜欢伦敦吗?”爱德华说,他想说点儿能提起别的话题的话。"Do you like London?" said Edward, willing to say anything that might introduce another subject.
- 我不喜欢靠吧台坐。Well, I don't fancy a bar stool.
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 请出示机票。你是要靠窗的还是要靠通道的座位,先生。Ticket,please. A window or aisle seat,sir.
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的声音说。 "别打断我的说。" 他说。"Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 您喜欢能看到海港景色的座位吗?Would you like seat with the harbour view?
- "把他们交出来," 他们喊道,"我们要让他们尝尝我们的厉害。""Bring them out, " they shouted, "so that we can have intercourse with them."
- "爱德华还在服现役吗?" "不,他已因病复员了。""Is Edward on active service?" "No, he's been boarded out."
- "Inthefamilyway" 是一种老式的表达方式,意为 "怀孕" 。"In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning "pregnant".
- “您选得对,”主人说,“这说明您喜欢东方式的生活。"And you are right," said his host; "it shows you have a tendency for an Oriental life
- 嗯,我们可以坐靠窗的位子吗?我们想享受一下纽约的夜景。Well, can I have that table by the window? We want to enjoy the night view of New York.
- 靠窗的座位window-seat
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- 有靠窗的台吗?Is there any table by the window?