- 您在这里吃还是拿走吃?Would it be for here or to go?
- 那我是在这里吃还是拿走?So, do I have to eat here, or can I get the gelato in the carton?
- 在这里吃还是带走?Eat-in or take-out?
- 在这里吃还是带走?带走。Eat here or take away? Take away.
- 服务生:在这里吃还是带走。Waitress: For here or to go?
- 祝您在新的一年里身体健康,生活幸福,万事如意。May new year bring you health happiness all other good thing.
- 这里here
- 在这里here
- 如您在10月1日(星期六)晚6时来我家吃晚饭,我将非常高兴。I would be very glad if you would come to dinner with me at my home at 6 p. m. on Saturday, Oct. 1st.
- 您是想在这里吃呢,还是把饭菜拿走?Would you like to have your meal here or just take it away?
- 您在等的时候要吃点什么吗?Would you like something while you are waiting?
- 你想在这儿吃还是到其他别的地方吃?Do you want to eat here or go somewhere else?
- "本特森是一个不折不扣的德州佬,在这里住了一辈子,服务参议院,代表德州人凡十七年。""Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for17 years."
- 我们邀请您在星期五晚上吃晚饭,在巴黎兰,一个法式餐厅。请着正式西服领带。We'd like to host you on Friday night at Paris Orchid. It's a French restaurant. The dress code is suit and tie.
- "站在这里,我问心无愧," 被告说,"因为我知道我是清白的。""Here I stand with a safe conscience, " the accused said, "because I know I am innocent."
- 如果你是一只老鼠,你突然发觉你已被关进捕鼠笼而你前面有一块香喷喷的蛋糕,这时,你究竟是吃还是不吃呢?!If you were a mouse in a trap, would you eat the alluring cakes in front of you?
- 我得请您在这里下车。I have to ask you to get out here.
- “妈的,吃胖了,这里吃的比咱家吃的好,是不是?"I say, you've grown fat! So the grub's better here than at home, eh?
- 您可以把盒饭拿走到佻喜欢的地方去吃,如果不急的话,您也可以就在我们快餐店吃。You can either take the meal out of the bar and eat it at any place as you like of eat the meal right here in the bar if you are not in a hurry.
- "但是我不能在这里对付他们,因为我的船缺少装备。""But I cannot face them here, for my ships are out of gear."