- 您想买哪种邮票?What sort of stamp do you want to buy?
- 您想买哪种花瓶?What sort of vases are you looking for?
- 您想要哪种邮票?What kind of stamps do you need?
- 您想买哪种闹钟?What kind of alarm clock do you have in your mind ?
- 买buy
- 您要哪种邮票?What kind of stamp do you need?
- 您想买哪种款式的连衣裙?What style of dresses would you like to have?
- 你想要哪种邮票?What kind of stamps do you want?
- 他想买一块空地造房子。He is looking for an empty lot on which to build his house.
- 我想买辆新车。I am in the market for a new car.
- 您想要什么海鲜?What kind of seafood would you like?
- 我们一心想买幢大一点的房子。We have set our sights on a bigger house.
- 汽车价格的上涨使我们今年想买一辆新车的希望破灭了。The increase in the price of cars has knocked our hopes for a new one this year on the head.
- 您要哪种洗发精?What shampoo do you prefer?
- 我想买强力家用漂白剂。I'd like to buy a strong household bleach.
- 约翰在伍尔沃思商店门前转来转去,眼睛盯着橱窗里陈列的糖果,拿不定主意该买哪一种。John loitered in front of Woolworth's staring at the candy display, trying to decide what candy to buy.
- 你想买部旧车吗?那太巧了,我正要有一部要卖,我相信我们能商定价钱的。Looking for a second-hand car, are you? That sounds like a happy coincidence. I have one to sell and I'm sure we agree on a price.
- 您要哪种香水?What perfume would you like?
- 我想买些东西给我未婚妻。I wish to buy something for my fiancee.
- 您想乘哪家航空公司的航班?Which airline would you like to take?