- 您有时间吃午餐吗?Will you have time for lunch?
- 您有时间和我一起吃午餐吗?Would you have time for lunch with me?
- 您能找个时间吃午餐吗?Can you find the time for lunch?
- 约翰逊先生,有件事想跟您谈谈。这周您有时间吗?Mr. Johnson, there's something I'd like to talk over with you. Would sometime this week be convenient for you?
- 吃eat
- 有时间free
- 您能抽空吃午餐吗?Can you make time for lunch?
- 如果您有时间,我想今天跟您见个面。If you have time,I'd like to meet with you today.
- 如果你早一点起床,你会有时间吃早餐。If you get up earlier,you will have have time for breakfast.
- 这家酒馆供应午餐吗?Does this pub do lunches?
- 如果您有时间的话,请光临。If you are free,please come and join us.
- 潘蜜拉和布鲁诺是同事。当他们两人在休息时间吃午餐时,潘蜜拉抱怨她的薪水。Pamela and Bruno are coworkers. While the two are eating their lunches during break, Pamela complains about her salary.
- 旅游团包午餐吗?A Is lunch included in the tour?
- 如果您有时间,请参观我们的工厂。If you have time please tour our plant.
- 这样我们就有足够时间吃午饭,还可以在开赛前到校园里看看。That will allow us plenty of time for luncheon and to take a look at the Academy before the kick-off.
- 这家酒馆供应午餐吗Does this pub do(ie provide)lunches?
- 假如您有时间,我们下周末打怎样?Why don't we play next weekend, if you have time?
- 你们现在供应午餐吗?Are you open for lunch?
- 如果你早点起床,就会有时间吃早饭。If you had gotten up earlier, you would have had time for breakfast.
- 你想明天和我共进午餐吗?Do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow?